Source code for ml_insights.splinecalib

import numpy as np
from .calibration_utils import _natural_cubic_spline_basis_expansion
from .calibration_utils import create_yeqx_bias_vectors, logreg_cv
import random
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class SplineCalib(object): """Probability calibration using cubic splines. This defines a calibrator object. The calibrator can be `fit` on model outputs and truth values. After being fit, it can then be used to `calibrate` model outputs. This is similar to the sklearn fit/transform paradigm, except that it is intended for post-processing of model outputs rather than preprocessing of model inputs. Parameters ---------- penalty : 'l1' or 'l2' What kind of coefficient penalization to use. The default is 'l2', which does a standard "smoothing" spline that minimizes the second derivative of the resulting function. An 'l1' penalty will typically give function which has a sparser representation in the spline bases. The 'l1' penalty can only be used with the 'liblinear' or 'saga' solver and tends to be considerably slower. solver : 'lbfgs','liblinear','newton-cg','sag','saga' Which solver to use in the sklearn LogisticRegression object that powers the spline fitting. Specifying 'default' will use the 'lbfgs' for L2 penalty and 'liblinear' for L1. knot_sample_size : The number of knots to randomly sample from the training values. More knots take longer to fit. Too few knots may underfit. Too many knots could overfit, but usually the regularization will control that from happening. If `knot_sample_size` exceeds the number of unique values in the input, then all unique values will be chosen. add_knots : A list (or np_array) of knots that will be used for the spline fitting in addition to the random sample. This may be useful if you want to force certain knots to be used in areas where the data is sparse. reg_param_vec : A list (or np_array) of values to try for the 'C' parameter for regularization in the sklearn LogisticRegression. These should be positive numbers on a logarithmic scale for best results. If 'default' is chosen it will try 17 evenly spaced values (log scale) between .0001 and 10000 (inclusive) cv_spline : Number of folds to use for the cross-validation to find the best regularization parameter. Default is 5. Folds are chosen in a stratified manner. random_state : If desired, can specify the random state for the generation of the stratified folds. unity_prior : If True, routine will add synthetic data along the axis y=x as a "prior" distribution that favors that function. Default is False. unity_prior_weight : The total weight of data points added when unity_prior is set to True. Bigger values will force the calibration curve closer to the line y=x. unity_prior_gridsize : The resolution of the grid used to create the unity_prior data augmentation. Default is 100, meaning it would create synthetic data at x=0, .01 ,.02 ,...,.99 ,1. logodds_scale : Whether or not to transform the x-values to the log odds scale before doing the basis expansion. Default is True and is recommended unless it is suspected that the uncalibrated probabilities already have a logistic relationship to the true probabilities. logodds_eps : Used only when logodds_scale=True. Since 0 and 1 map to positive and negative infinity on the logodds scale, we must specify a minimum and maximum probability before the transformation. Default is 'auto' which chooses a reasonable value based on the smallest positive value seen and the largest value smaller than 1. reg_prec : A positive integer designating the number of decimal places to which to round the log_loss when choosing the best regularization parameter. Algorithm breaks ties in favor of more regularization. Higher numbers will potentially use less regularization and lower numbers use more regularization. Default is 4. force_knot_endpts : If True, the smallest and largest input value will automatically chosen as knots, and `knot_sample_size`-2 knots will be chosen among the remaining values. Default is True. Attributes ---------- n_classes: The number of classes for which the calibrator was fit. knot_vec: The knots chosen (on the probability scale). knot_vec_tr: If logodds_scale = True, this will be the values of the knots on the logodds scale. Otherwise it is the same as knot_vec. lrobj: (binary) The resulting sklearn LogisticRegression object that is applied to the natural cubic spline basis. This is not used directly, but provided for reference. binary_splinecalibs: (multiclass) A list of the binary splinecalib objects used to do the multiclass calibration, indexed by class number. References ---------- Lucena, B. Spline-Based Probability Calibration. """ def __init__(self, penalty='l2', solver='default', knot_sample_size = 30, add_knots = None, reg_param_vec = 'default', cv_spline=5, random_state=42, unity_prior=False, unity_prior_gridsize=100, unity_prior_weight=100, max_iter=1000, tol=.0001, logodds_scale=True, logodds_eps='auto', reg_prec=4, force_knot_endpts=True): self.knot_sample_size = knot_sample_size self.add_knots = add_knots if (type(reg_param_vec)==str) and (reg_param_vec == 'default'): self.reg_param_vec = np.logspace(-4, 4, 17) else: self.reg_param_vec = np.array(reg_param_vec) self.cv_spline = cv_spline self.random_state = random_state self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.penalty = penalty self.unity_prior = unity_prior self.unity_prior_weight = unity_prior_weight self.unity_prior_gridsize = unity_prior_gridsize self.reg_prec = reg_prec self.force_knot_endpts = force_knot_endpts self.logodds_scale = logodds_scale if type(logodds_eps==str) and (logodds_eps=='auto'): self.logodds_eps_auto = True self.logodds_eps = .001 else: self.logodds_eps = logodds_eps self.logodds_eps_auto=False self.solver = solver if (penalty=='l1') and not (solver in ['liblinear','saga']): if (solver!='default'): warnings.warn('L1 penalty requires "liblinear" or "saga" solver.\nUsing "liblinear"') self.solver = 'liblinear' if (penalty=='l2') and (solver=='default'): self.solver = 'lbfgs'
[docs] def fit(self, y_model, y_true, verbose=False): """Fit the calibrator given a set of predictions and truth values. This method will fit the calibrator. It handles both binary and multiclass problems. Parameters ---------- y_pred : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_classes) Model outputs on which to perform calibration. If passed a 1-d array of length (n_samples) this will be presumed to mean binary classification and the inputs presumed to be the probability of class "1". If passed a 2-d array, it is assumed to be a multiclass calibration where the number of classes is n_classes. Binary problems may take 1-d or 2-d arrays as y_pred. y_true : array-like, shape (n_samples) Truth values to calibrate against. Values must be integers between 0 and n_classes-1 """ if len(y_model.shape)>1: # 2-d array self.n_classes =y_model.shape[1] else: self.n_classes = 2 if self.n_classes > 2: self._fit_multiclass(y_model, y_true, verbose=verbose) else: if len(y_model.shape) == 2: y_model = y_model[:,1] self._fit_binary(y_model, y_true, verbose=verbose)
def _fit_binary(self, y_model, y_true, verbose=False): if verbose: print("Determining Calibration Function") # Determine the knots to use (on probability scale) self.knot_vec = self._get_knot_vec(y_model) # Augment data with unity prior (if necessary) self.use_weights = False if self.unity_prior: scorevec_coda, truthvec_coda = create_yeqx_bias_vectors(self.unity_prior_gridsize) self.use_weights = True coda_wt = self.unity_prior_weight/((self.unity_prior_gridsize+1)*(self.unity_prior_gridsize)) weightvec = np.concatenate((np.ones(len(y_model)), coda_wt * np.ones(len(scorevec_coda)))) y_model = np.concatenate((y_model, scorevec_coda)) y_true = np.concatenate((y_true, truthvec_coda)) # map data and knots to log odds scale if necessary if self.logodds_scale: if self.logodds_eps_auto: self._compute_logodds_eps_from_data(y_model) self.knot_vec_tr = np.minimum(1-self.logodds_eps, self.knot_vec) self.knot_vec_tr = np.maximum(self.logodds_eps, self.knot_vec_tr) self.knot_vec_tr = np.unique(self.knot_vec_tr) self.knot_vec_tr = np.log(self.knot_vec_tr/(1-self.knot_vec_tr)) y_model_tr = np.minimum(1-self.logodds_eps, y_model) y_model_tr = np.maximum(self.logodds_eps, y_model_tr) y_model_tr = np.log(y_model_tr/(1-y_model_tr)) else: y_model_tr = y_model self.knot_vec_tr = self.knot_vec # compute basis expansion X_mat = _natural_cubic_spline_basis_expansion(y_model_tr, self.knot_vec_tr) # perform cross-validated logistic regression if self.use_weights: best_C, ll_vec, reg = logreg_cv(X_mat, y_true, self.cv_spline, self.reg_param_vec, weightvec=weightvec, penalty=self.penalty, solver=self.solver, max_iter=self.max_iter, tol=self.tol, reg_prec=self.reg_prec) else: best_C, ll_vec, reg = logreg_cv(X_mat, y_true, self.cv_spline, self.reg_param_vec, penalty=self.penalty, solver=self.solver, max_iter=self.max_iter, tol=self.tol, reg_prec=self.reg_prec) self.best_reg_param = best_C self.reg_param_scores = ll_vec self.basis_coef_vec = reg.coef_ self.lrobj = reg def _fit_multiclass(self, y_model, y_true, verbose=False): self.binary_splinecalibs = [] for i in range(self.n_classes): if verbose: print('Calibrating Class {}'.format(i)) le_auto = 'auto' if self.logodds_eps_auto else self.logodds_eps self.binary_splinecalibs.append(SplineCalib( penalty=self.penalty, knot_sample_size = self.knot_sample_size, add_knots = self.add_knots, reg_param_vec = self.reg_param_vec, cv_spline=self.cv_spline, random_state=self.random_state, max_iter=self.max_iter, tol=self.tol, solver=self.solver, logodds_scale=self.logodds_scale, logodds_eps=le_auto, unity_prior = self.unity_prior, unity_prior_weight = self.unity_prior_weight, unity_prior_gridsize = self.unity_prior_gridsize)) self.binary_splinecalibs[i].fit(y_model[:,i], (y_true==i).astype(int)) def _get_knot_vec(self, y_model): """Routine to choose the set of knots.""" random.seed(self.random_state) unique_vals = np.unique(y_model) num_unique = len(unique_vals) if(num_unique<3): raise Exception('Less than 3 unique input values.') if (self.knot_sample_size==0): if (self.add_knots is None): raise Exception('Must have knot_sample_size>0 or specify add_knots') else: return(np.unique(self.add_knots)) if (self.knot_sample_size<2) and (self.force_knot_endpts): warn_msg = ('force_knot_endpts is True but knot_sample_size<2.\n' + 'Changing force_knot_endpts to False.') warnings.warn(warn_msg) self.force_knot_endpts=False # Usual case: more unique values than the sample being chosen if (num_unique > self.knot_sample_size): if self.force_knot_endpts: smallest_knot, biggest_knot = unique_vals[0], unique_vals[-1] other_vals = unique_vals[1:-1] random.shuffle(other_vals) curr_knot_vec = other_vals[:(self.knot_sample_size-2)] curr_knot_vec = np.concatenate((curr_knot_vec, [smallest_knot, biggest_knot])) else: random.shuffle(unique_vals) curr_knot_vec = unique_vals[:self.knot_sample_size] # use all the unique_vals else: curr_knot_vec = unique_vals # Add in the additional knots if self.add_knots is not None: add_knot_vec = np.array(self.add_knots) curr_knot_vec = np.concatenate((curr_knot_vec,add_knot_vec)) # Sort and remove duplicates return(np.unique(curr_knot_vec))
[docs] def calibrate(self, y_in): """Calibrates a set of predictions after being fit. This function returns calibrated probabilities after being fit on a set of predictions and their true answers. It handles either binary and multiclass problems, depending on how it was fit. Parameters ---------- y_in : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The pre_calibrated scores. For binary classification can pass in a 1-d array representing the probability of class 1. Returns ------- y_out : array, shape (n_samples, n_classes) The calibrated probabilities: y_out will be returned in the same shape as y_in. """ if self.n_classes>2: return(self._calibrate_multiclass(y_in)) elif self.n_classes==2: return(self._calibrate_binary(y_in)) else: warnings.warn('SplineCalib not fit or only one class found')
def _calibrate_binary(self, y_in): if (len(y_in.shape)==2): if (y_in.shape[1]==2): y_in_to_use = y_in[:,1] two_col = True elif (y_in.shape[0]==1): y_in_to_use = y_in[:,0] two_col=False elif (len(y_in.shape)==1): y_in_to_use = y_in two_col = False else: warnings.warn('Unable to handle input of this shape') if self.logodds_scale: y_in_to_use = np.minimum(1-self.logodds_eps, y_in_to_use) y_in_to_use = np.maximum(self.logodds_eps, y_in_to_use) y_model_tr = np.log(y_in_to_use/(1-y_in_to_use)) else: y_model_tr = y_in_to_use basis_exp = _natural_cubic_spline_basis_expansion(y_model_tr,self.knot_vec_tr) y_out = y_out = 1/(1+np.exp(-y_out)) if (len(y_out.shape)>1): y_out = y_out[:,0] y_out = np.vstack((1-y_out, y_out)).T if two_col else y_out return y_out def _calibrate_multiclass(self, y_in): y_out = -1*np.ones(y_in.shape) for i in range(self.n_classes): y_out[:,i] = self.binary_splinecalibs[i].calibrate(y_in[:,i]) y_out = (y_out.T/(np.sum(y_out, axis=1))).T return y_out def show_spline_reg_plot(self, class_num=None): """Plots the cross-val loss against the regularization parameter. This is a diagnostic tool, for example, to indicate whether or not the search over regularization parameter values was wide enough or dense enough. For multiclass calibration, the class number must be given.""" if self.n_classes == 2: plt.plot(np.log10(self.reg_param_vec),self.reg_param_scores, marker='x') plt.xlabel('Regularization Parameter (log 10 scale)') plt.ylabel('Average Log Loss across folds') plt.axvline(np.log10(self.best_reg_param),0,1,color='black',linestyle='--') else: if class_num is None: warnings.warn('Must specify a class number for Multiclass Calibration') else: obj=self.binary_splinecalibs[class_num] plt.plot(np.log10(obj.reg_param_vec),obj.reg_param_scores, marker='x') plt.xlabel('Regularization Parameter (log 10 scale)') plt.ylabel('Average Log Loss across folds') plt.axvline(np.log10(obj.best_reg_param),0,1,color='black',linestyle='--') def show_calibration_curve(self, class_num=None, resolution=.001, show_baseline=True): """Plots the calibration curve as a function from [0,1] to [0,1] Parameters ---------- resolution: The space between the plotted points on the x-axis. """ tvec = np.linspace(0,1,int(np.ceil(1/resolution))+1) avec = np.logspace(-16,-3,6) bvec = 1-avec tvec = np.unique(np.concatenate((tvec,avec,bvec))) if self.n_classes == 2: plt.plot(tvec, self.calibrate(tvec)) if show_baseline: plt.plot(tvec,tvec,'k--') plt.axis([-0.1,1.1,-0.1,1.1]) plt.xlabel('Uncalibrated') plt.ylabel('Calibrated') elif class_num is None: warnings.warn('Must specify a class number for Multiclass Calibration') else: self.binary_splinecalibs[class_num].show_calibration_curve( resolution=resolution, show_baseline=show_baseline) def transform(self, y_in): """alias for calibrate""" return self.calibrate(y_in) def predict(self, y_in): """alias for calibrate""" return self.calibrate(y_in) def predict_proba(self, y_in): """alias for calibrate""" return self.calibrate(y_in) def _compute_logodds_eps_from_data(self, y_model): """Routine to automatically choose the logodds_eps value""" y_model_loe = y_model[(y_model>0) & (y_model<1)] closest_to_zero = np.min(y_model_loe) closest_to_one = 1-np.min(1-y_model_loe) loe_exp = np.round(np.log10(np.min((closest_to_zero, closest_to_one))))-1 self.logodds_eps = np.minimum(self.logodds_eps, 10**loe_exp)